Tuesday, May 5, 2015

English Term Paper: Outline

1. Optimism in western history/literature.

   A. Opening statements.

2. Point of optimism. 

   A. Why we need it.

    B. Why books need it. 

    C. A story without it.

3. The role of optimism in western literature.

      A. Main Stories.
            1. Plots.
            2. Characters.

4. Optimism in fictional works.

      A. Lack or abundance?

    B. The effect?

5. Optimism in non-fiction documents, speeches, etc.

   A. Lack or abundance?
    B. The effect?
6. The importance of the theme of  optimism since 1493.
   A. What did we find out?

            1. How the optimism/lack of optimism effected us.
              2. Did it seem coherent, crucial, or unnecessary to the stories?

    B. Closing statements.

          1. End.